About Me

My name is Justin Lewis, many refer to me as Jlew. I graduated from Rochester Institute of Technology in May of 2011 with a Bachelor's of Science degree in Computer Science with a minor in Criminal Justice.
I am a strong believer in Free and Open Source Software. I feel that great software can be built for the community by the community. Just because software is Free and Open, the developers don't need to starve. I believe that companies can pay coders to write code for their specific needs while releasing it out to the community. If a tool or piece of software doesn't exist or doesn't work how someone needs it, that is where coders should be paid. The advantage to this methodology is that the programmers get food on their plate, the company gets the software they need, the community benefits from the existence of a new tool, and in the future the company may benefit in the same way.
I am a vital member of the Free and Open Source Software campaign at RIT, known as FOSS@RIT. I would like to share a description of my role written by Stephen Jacobs, Director, Lab for Technological literacy.
Justin Lewis
Open Video Chat Lead Dev, NTID/PEN International
Student Fellow, Center For Student Innovation
Fortune Hunter/Engine/Maker Lead Developer, LTL
FOSS@RIT Lead Developer, LTLJlew, as he is known around the net, has been vital to every FOSS@RIT project since we hired him as our first student developer. He is now the lead developer of our FOSS@RIT campaign, and has committed code to just about every stack and bot we have. Justin was then hired to work on the new Beta site for the Center for Student Innovation, and helps maintain his extensive code base with the Fortune Hunter project.
I may be contacted by IRC as jlew on freenode.net or by email to [email protected].